Misosofi Method

Features of the Misosofi Perfect Pitch method
POINT 1. Audio book style with picture book
Children develop perfect pitch by listening to audio with a fun story and illustrations by a famous painter in a picture book. It is easy to get interested and familiar with music by using the picture book. In addition, you can use the picture book for storytelling, and also you can use the audio alone for listening to music, depending on the age of the child and the situation they find themselves in.

Oh-oh! The washing machine is broken!
The story goes like this...♪
Matcha fixes it easily with magic.


Music notes clean themselves in the washing machine.

POINT 2. Develop the ears by listening to a lot of music
Many other Perfect Pitch methods focus on just listening to notes and chords. But the Misosofi method is focused on listening to lots of music to educate the ears first, then to train for Perfect Pitch. These audio and playlists are with various genres and eras of music, so everyone can enjoy!

POINT 3. Long term usage
The baby’s ears start hearing when they are a fetus-about 6 months. Therefore the Misosofi method series can be used from fetus age 6 months to between 6-7 years old. After 6-7 years old, books and audios can be used as solfege books (solfege: singing the names of the notes).