Three picture-book set

Misosofi method Contents of the set
3 Perfect Pitch picture-book set
with 12 audio albums +2 videos
Contens of the set

3 Perfect Pitch Digital picture-book(PDF)
12 audio albums+2 videos

※Actual physical picture books are also available for purchase. You can buy them directly from Amazon.
(Amazon Publishing)
Contens of the set details
3 picture-book set for Perfect Pitch
1. Main book "Currito in the land of the rainbow"

2. Character Guide

3. Workbook

The above picture books are samples. The actual design and colors may vary slightly. (Picture books are sold separately.)
Audio for picture books - 12 albums
Main book(2 albums)

1. Main book
"Currito in the land of the rainbow"
(27Chapters 52min)

2. Main book soundtrack
(19 songs 53min)
Character Guide(2 albums)

3. Character Guide
(22 Chapters 15min)

4. Character Guide soundtrack
(22 Songs 12min)

Workbook(3 albums)

5. Workbook
(61 Chapters 49min)
6. Workbook soundtrack
(46 Songs 34min)
7. Workbook easy version
(39 Songs 37min)
Solfege(3 albums)

8. Sing After Me! Repeat single notes
(20 Songs 23Min 57.1MB)
9. Sing After Me! For sections and complete pieces (Beginner, Intermediate)
(10 Songs 30min 73.7MB)
10. Sing After Me! For sections and complete pieces (Advanced)
(8 Songs 11min 28.3MB)
Note match test(2 albums)

11. What Is This Note?” Single notes
(21 Songs 19min)

12. What Is This Note?
Sections/Complete pieces
(9 Songs 8min)
Note match test(2 videos)

11. What Is This Note?” Single notes

12. What Is This Note?
Sections/Complete pieces
※"Sing aAfter Me!" and "What Is This note?" are made only with white keys.
How to use the
picture-book set ?

Here is a brief outline of how to use it.
If you would like to know further details, please visit the 'How to use' page. (You need to sign up to become a member, registration is free of charge.)
Start off from Step 1, then work your way up to Step 4.
To develop the basis of Perfect Pitch by listening to music from the books and playlists.

What beautiful music♪

While doing Step 1, listen to the soundtrack from the books.
*This soundtrack has no narration. It is designed so the learner can concentrate solely on the music.
I love Currito♪
Sing the songs while listening to the audio. (Character Guide and Sing After Me!)
If a family has siblings, the older sister can sing and the younger sister can copy, for example. And older siblings can also master the Perfect Pitch.
*It is ok to listen to the audio without using the books.
Ti Fa So 〜♪
Clap your hands to the rhythm while using the book. Learn the basics of music such as how to read sheet music, terminology of music and rhythm in a fun way and develop a deep sense and understanding of music.
Quarter Notes' house
Using car travel time to practice clapping hands with 2 older sisters!
When your child is too small to do exercises, just listen to the audio to develop a sense of rhythm. And they can already learn the name of music notes!
Instructions, Input/Output, Start Age
For detailed information on how to proceed with the steps, what the core input and output training entails, and how to use the materials depending on the starting age, please refer to this page.